One day I was searching for a document on my computer and came across some old pictures of a time when my kids were much younger. When I saw the picture, I instantly became sad. I began recalling some of my parenting moments, wishing I had done some things differently. I had this overwhelming feeling of guilt and sorrow that instantly consumed me. The Holy Spirit's voice rushed in and said "Danielle, you have had way more good days than bad days. You were a better parent than you think you were. Now, change your mindset and focus on the good."
When we look over our past, the enemy tries to get us to focus on the bad...the times when we wish we would have done things differently. He knows that forever looking at our wrong will cause guilt to invade our thinking and delay our progress. According to 1 Timothy 1: 13, Paul, was a blasphemer who killed Christians! When he gave testimony of His conversion, He focused more on God's grace that called Him into the ministry than His past mistakes.
Today God is saying, CHANGE YOUR FOCUS. You have had more good days than bad days. It is up to you to choose to focus on the good. Your emotions are a product of the state of your mind. So, choose joy over sadness by focusing on the good of your past and not the bad.
Prayer for the Journey
Lord, as I look over my life, help me to focus more on the good rather than the bad. I have had some challenges in life but they do not outweigh your goodness. When I focus on the not-so-good moments of life, I begin to sink in sadness. However, when I focus on you and your goodness, I have a mind that is at peace and saturated in joy. There is too much for me to do and much progress to make. When my soul (mind, will, intellect, emotions) prospers, I declare and believe I too will prosper.
There is still time for you to join the Unveiling True Purpose course to discover and progress in God's plan for you. If you are in need of financial assistance, we still have scholarships available. Registration closes September 27, 2021 so use the button below to sign up today!
