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Too Busy for God

Christmas, a day in which we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is less than 2 weeks away! Most consider this to be one of the busiest times of the year! During this time, people are rushing to close out yearly goals, planning for the upcoming year, attending holiday celebrations, traveling to visit family, decluttering the house for items to donate, and shopping for the perfect Christmas gifts. Amid all these activities, sometimes the true essence of who we are celebrating is lost.

Here's a question...Have you spent any personal time with Jesus lately? For some Christians, the only time spent with God is when they attend church on Sunday morning. Hopefully, that attendance is truly to spend time in the presence of God with like-minded believers and not just for tradition and formality. Spending time with God through church attendance is good but how can you truly develop a relationship with someone you only talk with once a week. You can converse with God as you do with any other person in your life you love. Here are some examples of how you can start the conversation and spend time celebrating His life:

  1. Reflect over the year 2021 and thank Him for all the blessings He bestowed on you, your family, and your friends.

  2. Realize that you haven't always made the perfect decisions, yet He remained faithful...Thank Him for that.

  3. Visualize the future He has in store for you, your family, and friends and praise Him for choosing to use all of you.

  4. Provide God a moment to talk back to you...The foundation of a relationship is communication (the exchange of information) and trust.

My prayer is that you will not allow the business of the holiday season to steal time away from who the season is all about, Jesus. Be the example at teaching your children how to value and place what should be first in their lives...Christ. I pray that through your personal time with the Father, He will build your trust in who He is. I pray that He will unveil to you His power and glory that was given to you by Jesus Christ. Through His power my you reign in places you never thought you would reign, may you be who you never thought you would be, may every God-given dream one day become your reality.

Prayer for the Journey

Father, you are truly the reason for the season. I have been so busy that I haven't had time to spend with you. Today, I make a decision to put you first. Help me to make you a part of my day. I need you God! It is in you I live, I move, and I have my being (Acts 17:28). I choose to prioritize my day and make you first. In Jesus name, Amen!


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